Halong Bay Weather in April

Halong Bay Weather in April
Throughout the month of April daytime temperatures will generally reach highs of around 26°C that's about 79°F. At night the average minimum temperature drops down to around 20°C, that's 68°F. In recent times the highest recorded temperature in April has been 36°C that's 97°F, with the lowest recorded temperature 10°C, about 50°F.

The average daily relative humidity for April is around 90%.The average monthly amount of precipitation has been recorded at around 93 mm, that's 4 inches. Throughout the month you can expect to see rain or drizzle falling on 13 days of the month.

The average daily wind speed in April has been around 8 km/h, that’s the equivalent to about 5 mph, or 4 knots. In recent years the maximum sustained wind speed has reached 50 km/h, that’s the equivalent of around 31 mph, or 27 knots.Given average maximum temperatures and humidity levels caution is advised. Fatigue is possible with prolonged exposure and/or physical activity for those in high risk groups of possible heat disorders (see heat index for more information).

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