Why Halong Bay

Why Halong Bay
Why Halong Bay
Ha Long gives tourists a view of what grandeur that Nature can do. Among the caves Thien Cung is situated in the southwestern of Ha Long Bay looking as splendid as from engraved crystal. Here visitors are awed feeling like standing in front of a lively and splendid stony curtain. Or are stunt by ...
Geographical Location and Climate
Geographical Location and Climate
Halong Bay is located in the Northeast of Vietnam, belonging to QuangNinh Province. It is in the coastal area stretching from 1060 56’ to 1070 37’ east longitude and 200 43’ to 210 09’ north latitude.
Ha Long's geological value
Ha Long's geological value
Halong Bay’s geological value has been evaluated in two ways: by the history of its formation and by its karst geomorphology. Formation history: The Halong Bay area has a long geological history, commencing nearly 500 million years ago, stretching through various ancient geological ...