Halong Bay Weather in March

Halong Bay Weather in March
Throughout the month of March daytime temperatures will generally reach highs of around 22°C that's about 72°F. At night the average minimum temperature drops down to around 17°C, that's 63°F. In recent times the highest recorded temperature in March has been 35°C that's 95°F, with the lowest recorded temperature 5°C, about 41°F.

The average daily relative humidity for March is around 91%.The average monthly amount of precipitation has been recorded at around 43 mm, that's 1.7 inches. Throughout the month you can expect to see rain or drizzle falling on 18 days of the month.

The average daily wind speed in March has been around 6 km/h, that’s the equivalent to about 4 mph, or 3 knots. In recent years the maximum sustained wind speed has reached 65 km/h, that’s the equivalent of around 40 mph, or 35 knots.Given average maximum temperatures and humidity levels generally you should not anticipate any discomfort from heat (see heat index for more information).

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